Nowadays, there are many remedies that bring benefits to our health and well-being. I’m not talking about those countless pills with multiple side effects, but about the contemplative sciences and more particularly about Yoga. A real emergence, in France, there are more than 3 million yoga practitioners. If you are not one of them, I will persuade you that yoga is not just breathing hard in the lotus position!
Yoga is an ancient Indian discipline and practice that is a true remedy for the body and mind. This set of breathing exercises and postures brings a physical and mental well-being. Thus, this discipline transforms the body and improves many aches. It will allow you to reduce stress, anxiety, blood pressure, relieve pain and even improve your sex life!

Most of you know yoga at home or yoga in small groups with a teacher. From now on, yoga can be practiced at work. No, you’re not dreaming, more and more companies are adopting yoga in the office and this new trend is booming.
There are even organisations that propose to train companies in “Wellness at work”. They insist on the importance of good health at work. Thus, this yoga at work is practiced directly on the office chair without any equipment in order to allow employees to practice at any time when the 7 hours sitting on a chair are felt in the lower back …
You can imagine that if we talk about yoga it is because this subject is close to our hearts. So much so that we have decided to get involved in it at the Lab. In order to follow the ethics of well-being at work, the Lab organizes weekly yoga sessions. We all get together to relax our muscles and our minds at the same time.
To do the sessions, the lab assistants are reincarnated as Valérie Damidot and transform the kitchen into a yoga workshop (well, they just move the dining table…)

We set up mats (and if you don’t have any, chairs without wheels will do just fine). The atmosphere is also important to be able to relax and focus only on yourself.
The Lab is a quiet and peaceful place where we listen to relaxing music and let out our weekly stress. Don’t forget to bring a water bottle because hydration is key during a high expenditure of energy. That’s it, you’re ready to start your relaxation session with your group.

Say goodbye to headaches and back pain. You will quickly notice a considerable improvement in your posture and concentration. In the future, you will feel less stressed and more calm.
In addition to the physical and mental benefits, there are also advantages for your company. Indeed, this kind of “team building” will bring your team closer together and will reinforce internal cohesion.
Meeting in a non-professional setting will create a friendly and convivial atmosphere within your company: an important factor of productivity.
If you are not part of a company and the only places you work are restaurants and their uncomfortable seats, we invite you to come to us, where well-being at work is our first philosophy. We would love to welcome you and include you in our yoga sessions.
Namaste 🙏