You are a company, in Paris, Tours or New Caledonia (these are examples)
Do you have an office installation project in Nice? Or more simply, are you planning to post one or more employees there?
We help you and accompany you in all the steps.
From the search for offices to the search for accommodation for your employees, the school for the children, the cultural programs… Everything to feel as Nice as a real Nice person.
You are a company, in Paris, Tours or New Caledonia (these are examples)
Do you have an office installation project in Nice? Or more simply, are you planning to post one or more employees there?
We help you and accompany you in all the steps.
From the search for offices to the search for accommodation for your employees, the school for the children, the cultural programs… Everything to feel as Nice as a real Nice person.
Our turnkey offer to set up your company in Nice. Coming soon, contact us to find out more.
Crédit photo : Tobi 87, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Feel free to send us a message, or contact us at +33 6 16 81 05 55
An ideal location, close to shops and the Promenade des Anglais:
6 Rue du Congrès - 06200 Nice