The year 2021 is coming to an end and this is the opportunity, through this last post, to tell you about my best and worst moments during my internship at the Labo Coworking.
Moments of laughter, stress, improvisation, outbursts, this internship has been a real source of experience.
Let’s go back to the famous day of the interview. Stressed but confident, I came out with a good feeling. I was intrigued by the concept of coworking, and what struck me most was the concept of well-being at work, and the Laborantins community.
It was my first internship, and naturally I had some preconceptions. The world of work is very often seen by young people as a chore.
Surprisingly, from the first day, I felt very comfortable (maybe because I had only done reading?). On a more serious note, my goal was to find an internship that offered me assignments that I would do with enthusiasm and passion. The good news is that this is what happened. Every day that passed, I was in my world, writing&creativity. But I also wanted this course to take me out of my comfort zone and allow me to go beyond my limits and knowledge.

Therefore, I wanted to work on my weak points : lack of sociability, human contact, team spirit.
For several years, I had often worked alone and I was very bad at socialising. But I knew that in the world of work, you have to be very sociable and know how to accept criticism, remarks and ideas from others.
Today, I am happy to announce that I am leaving more mature, patient and understanding (even if I already was lol).

Concerning my memories, I think my best moment at the Labo Coworking was the first time I showed my writings because I had very positive comments. The lunch meetings too, where we talk about everything and anything, moments of laughter and unforgettable meetings.
On the other hand, I didn’t like when a client enjoyed the Lab so much that he didn’t want to leave… (it was 7pm). I was able to deal with these incidents with patience and understanding.
Moreover, I lived this experience with great people.
I would like to thank Thais Belot, who was an admirable and patient tutor and who always encouraged me in my missions.
I learned a lot of methods with her, strategies and acquired new skills.
I would also like to thank my boss, Géraldine Zermati, who has always encouraged me to go beyond my comfort zone, and who has taught me a lot about marketing, the background of a company, and customer relations. She has always been open to my ideas and projects and I am very grateful for that.
I also had the pleasure of working for a fortnight with our second intern Lova. We worked as a team, merged our ideas and know-how and not to forget ate a lot of fast food…
Finally, a big thank you to all the Laborantins, who integrated me very quickly into their community, and who every day brought their humour, their jokes with their great personality !
Thank you,
From Blerina Hajrullahu, the best intern.